- Identify and describe anatomy and sonographic echo image features of the entire heart
- Identify and describe cardiac evaluation techniques and methods
- Successfully complete a 3-day lab intensive at our Carmel, IN location
Required Textbooks:
- Echocardiographer’s Pocket Reference by Arizona Heart Institute, 5th Edition (**Required in ALL lab intensives) -
- Feigenbaum’s Echocardiography, 8th Edition by Ryan Armstrong (e-Reader, instructions on inside front cover section of the book)
- Echocardiographer’s Workbook, by Susan DeWitt
- Sonographic Principles and Instrumentation (SPI), 2nd Edition, by Steven M. Penny, Tracy B. Fox (answers to all questions located in the back of the book)
Grading Scale:
A - 95-100%
B - 85-94%
C - 75-84%
D - 65-74%
F - 64% and below
**Students are required to have a 75% grade average to move along to the next semester, and to graduate from this course
**Content will be dripped to you weekly in the Student Platform, and due dates can be found in your Student Dashboard (ClickUp Platform).
Week 31: Thrombus, Tumors, and Missiles
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Watch the online Lectures
2. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
3. Read pages 153-155, 330, 334, 336-346, 395, 489 in your Echocardiographer's Pocket Reference
4. Reference and review Chapter 20 in your Feigenbaum Book
5. Read & Complete Chapter 6 SPI Physics Book (test on week 34)
*TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. TEST: Pericardial Effusion and Tamponade
2. Homework: The Echocardiography Workbook (pages 99-102)
Week 32: Diseases of the Aorta
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Watch the online Lectures
2. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
3. Read pages 321-335, 461-463, 471-474, 481 in your Echocardiographer's Pocket Reference
4. Reference and review Chapter 19 in your Feigenbaum Book
TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. TEST: Tumors, Thrombus, and Missiles
Week 33: Aortic Dissection
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Watch the online Lectures
2. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
3. Read pages 325-332, 484, 487, 494 in your Echocardiographer's Pocket Reference
4. Reference and review Chapter 19 in your Feigenbaum Book
TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. Homework: The Echocardiography Workbook (pages 103-105)
Week 34: Intro to Congenital Heart Disease
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Watch the online Lectures
2. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
3. Read pages 347-382, 480 in your Echocardiographer's Pocket Reference
4. Reference and review Chapter 17 in your Feigenbaum Book
5. Download your pre-clinical paperwork in the "Notes & Downloads" section and begin gathering that information and scheduling your drug screen. ALL Pre-Clinical Paperwork IS REQUIRED to be turned in on week 36. PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY: If ALL pre-clinical paperwork is not turned in, you will not be eligible for clinicals and will have to find your own clinical site.
Reminder re clinical paperwork: A Drug Screen & Background check is required for your externship. Please download both documents and print them off. Return the background check consent to the Admin Team via email at admin@cardinal-tech.com. Take the LabCorp document with you and present it at any LabCorp to receive your Drug Screen. *Please note, as stated in the enrollment agreement, this is a cost that is passed along to you as a student. You will receive an invoice from Cardinal Tech. Thank you!
TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. TEST: Diseases of the Aorta
2. TEST: SPI Physics, Chapter 6
*TEST via the Sonosim Platform (log in to Sonosim to complete this test):
1. TEST: FoCUS Part II
**PLEASE NOTE: You may only take this test once. Any additional attempts will not be counted.
Week 35: Congenital Defects
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Watch the online Lectures
2. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
3. Read pages 385-396, 468-470, 472, 478, 484-487, 493 in the Echocardiographer's Pocket Reference
4. Reference and review Pages 545-547 in your Feigenbaum Book
TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. Homework: The Echocardiography Workbook (pages 106-112)
Week 36: Intro to 3D Echocardiography & Real-Time 3D/4DE
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Watch the online Lectures
2. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
3. Read pages 437-456 in your Echocardiographer's Pocket Reference
4. Reference and review Chapter 23 in your Feigenbaum Book
*TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. TEST: Congenital Heart Disease
2. Homework: The Echocardiography Workbook (pages 113-115)
3. ALL Clinical Paperwork is DUE THIS WEEK. Note: If you do not turn in your paperwork this week, you will not be eligible for any of our sites and you will have to secure your own clinical site.
Reminder re clinical paperwork: A Drug Screen & Background check is required for your externship. Please download both documents (located in the downloads section in week 34) and print them off. Return the background check consent to the Admin Team via email at admin@cardinal-tech.com. Take the LabCorp document with you and present it at any LabCorp to receive your Drug Screen. *Please note, as stated in the enrollment agreement, this is a cost that is passed along to you as a student. You will receive an invoice from Cardinal Tech. Thank you!
Week 37: Begin Working On Case Studies
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
*TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. TEST: Intro to 3D/4DE
2. Homework: Case Studies
Week 38: SPI Physics Final Exam
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
*TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. TEST: SPI Physics Final Exam
Week 39: Final Exam
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Complete your 12 practice scanning hours on the Sonosim Simulator utilizing the imaging directions in the FoCUS II Ultrasound Course Assignment. **There are a total of 19 images for this assignment. Repetition is what will help you with your scanning ability! Practice this assignment multiple times to complete your 12 practice scanning hours. Please STORE AND SAVE your best 3 cases from this assignment in your Sonosim Performance Tracker (you should have a total of 57 images total saved in the Performance Tracker for our review).
*TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. TEST: Final Exam
Week 40: CONGRATS!!!!!
Assignments/Tests due Friday by 11:55pm - tests or assignments turned in late will receive a zero
1. Sonosim Transducer MUST be shipped this week or additional rental rates apply (see address below). Thank you!
2. Your Academic Progress Report will be signed at the end of the in-person lab session in Week 40 (failure to sign will result in a 5 point overall grade reduction).
*TESTS/Homework via the links in the “Test/Assignment” Section:
1. Research Report Due: email to Marianne at marianne@cardinal-tech.com
2. This Research Report is a total of 100 points. If Research Report is not received during Week 40, there will be an automatic 50 point deduction.
Research report should be typed and double-spaced. Include a page header at the top of every page which includes your paper title and page numbers. List cited sources on a separate page called References (centered at the top of the page),
•double spaced
•hanging indent
•sort references alphabetically by last name of first author
**No clinical placement will be finalized until finalization of everything as listed above.
SONOSIM RETURN - The Simulator Probe, box, and USB MUST be returned in mint condition to avoid additional daily charges of $20 a day, and a 50 point reduction in grade.
Please place EVERYTHING back in the correct place inside the box, including the USB and any info materials you received. Missing UPID tags will result in a 5% deduction of overall grade as well.
When shipping, include a piece of paper containing your OWN name and contact details inside the box so we know which student it belongs to when we receive it.
Ship Sonosim Transducer & Accessories to our Admin office located at:
Cardinal Tech Administration
250 E Carmel Drive
Carmel, IN 46032
Clinical Paperwork & Competency Final Evaluation
You will receive information on the weekly paperwork that is required for you to complete and have signed off from your mentor at your clinical site. There is also a Final Clinical Competency Evaluation that must be completed by your clinical mentor and turned in at the end of your clinical rotation. It is your responsibility to ensure this is signed and returned to Cardinal Tech. 800 total clinical hours are required for graduation. 288 of those hours are required as a clinical externship, the remaining 512 hours may be finalized through employment or internship.
** All students must achieve a 80 out of a total of 120 points to pass their CLINICAL evaluation portion of the program.
A: 95-100%
B: 85-94%
C: 75-84%
D: 65-74%
F: 64 and below